Are you looking WordPress Contact Form 7 Submission/Ajax form Submission using Google Tag Manager
Are you looking to track Contact form 7 Successful form Submission Tracking using Google Tag Manager without plugin and using javascript or if you don’t login to your back-end of WordPress don’t need worry about it, Make sure you have already Place Google Tag Manager on the website.
One of Challenging part to track successful form submission on Contact form 7 Tracking in Google Analytic and lots of questions I have seen on the internet How to track success Contact 7 form submission on “track WordPress Contact Form 7 with Google Tag Manager” and Track WordPress Contact Form 7 with Google Tag Manager! And Some people written solution if you use the plugin of google tag manager “GTM Plugin for WordPress by DuracellTomi“, I am going to provide a solution track contact 7 form Submission using Google Tag Manager!
Why it’s more completed to tracking Contact form 7 submission using Google Analytic / Google Tag Manager, Because due to ajax based form Submission that’s alway will be challenging track on Google Analytic that will not track as usual other form submission for track ajax form using Custom Javascript or Redirect to thank You Page.
How to make Successfully form Submission Tracking using Google Tag Manager in WordPress Contact Form 7 with Google Tag Manager without a Plugin!
Step 1. First Install Google Tag Manager on Your Website /Store
Copy the code below and paste it onto every page of your website. Place it immediately after the opening <body> tag.
<!– Google Tag Manager –>
<noscript><iframe src=”//”
height=”0″ width=”0″ style=”display:none;visibility:hidden”></iframe></noscript>
new Date().getTime(),event:’gtm.js’});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!– End Google Tag Manager –>
Note: Make you will replace GTM Tracking Code with your GTM ID
Step 2. Need to create a custom html javascrit to track contact us 7 form submission using without Plugin
Name of Custom HTML – Contact 7 Form Submission validation on submit

Contact Form 7 validation on submit using Google Tag Manager
Step 3. Triggering for “Contact 7 Form Submission validation on submit” without Plugin a tracking form submission using Google Tag Manager

Track Contact Form 7 Submissions in Google Analytics
Step 4. Create a variable for Track Contact 7 form submission using Google Tag Manager

WordPress contact form 7 variables using Google Tag Manager
Step 5. Create a Tag for Track to Contact 7 form Submission in Google Analytics using Google Tag manager.

Contact 7 For Tags for Google Tag Manager
Step 6. Trigger to track Contact 7 form Submission in Google Analytics using Google Tag manager.

Contact 7 form Submission fire on Custom Event
Step 7. Now time test contact 7 form submission on the website using Debug mode of Google Tag manager

Tested on Contact form 7 Submission using Google Tag Manager
Step 6. Result Verify in Google Analytic for Contact 7 form Submission and Successfully tracking as event Google Analytic.

Event Tracking in Google Analytic for Contact 7 Form
For Contact:
Warning:if you do n’t know about javascript or do n’t have developing knowledge then do n’t try to implement on contact 7 form submission using Google Tag Manager that can broke your site, Cart and other functionality
Disclaimer: Google tag manager belongs to Google property
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