Mastering Google Tag Manager: An Advanced Guide to Implementing and Tracking Your Checkout Funnel


In today’s competitive ecommerce landscape, understanding your customers’ journey through the checkout process is crucial for optimizing conversion rates and improving user experience. Google Tag Manager (GTM) offers a robust solution for implementing advanced tracking on your site, enabling you to gain deep insights into your checkout funnel.

1. Setting Up Google Tag Manager

Before diving into checkout funnel tracking, ensure that Google Tag Manager is properly set up on your website.

Key Steps:

  • Create a GTM Account: If you don’t have one, create a Google Tag Manager account and container for your website.
  • Install GTM Code: Add the GTM container code snippets to the <head> and <body> sections of your website. This code is essential for GTM to function correctly.
  • Verify Installation: Use GTM’s Preview mode or the Tag Assistant browser extension to verify that GTM is installed and working correctly on your site.

2. Configuring the Data Layer

The data layer is a crucial component for tracking detailed user interactions. It acts as a bridge between your website and GTM, ensuring accurate data collection.

Key Steps:

  • Define Data Layer Variables: Identify the variables and events you need to track in your checkout funnel (e.g., product ID, price, step names).
  • Implement Data Layer Pushes: Add data layer pushes to your site’s code at key points in the checkout process. For example, when a user views a product, adds an item to the cart, or completes a purchase.
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'event': 'checkoutStep',
'step': 1,
'stepName': 'Cart View'

3. Creating Tags, Triggers, and Variables in GTM

With the data layer in place, the next step is to set up the necessary tags, triggers, and variables in GTM to capture and send data to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Key Steps:

  • Create Variables: Define variables in GTM to capture data layer values. For example, create a variable to capture the checkout step.
    • Go to Variables > New > Data Layer Variable.
    • Name it appropriately (e.g., DLV - Checkout Step) and set the Data Layer Variable Name to match the key in your data layer push (e.g., step).
  • Set Up Triggers: Create triggers to fire tags based on data layer events. For example, create a trigger for each checkout step.
      • Go to Triggers > New > Trigger Configuration > Custom Event.
      • Name it appropriately (e.g., Checkout Step - Cart View) and set the Event Name to match the event in your data layer push (e.g., checkoutStep).
      • Add a trigger condition to match the step value (e.g., {{DLV - Checkout Step}} equals 1).
  • Create Tags: Set up tags to send data to GA4. Create tags for each checkout step and any other critical interactions.
        • Go to Tags > New > Tag Configuration > GA4 Event Tag.
        • Configure the tag to send event data to your GA4 property. Use the appropriate event name (e.g., checkout_step) and parameters (e.g., step_name).
        • Assign the relevant trigger to each tag.

4. Tracking Checkout Funnel with Google Analytics 4

To fully leverage the data captured by GTM, configure GA4 to track and analyze your checkout funnel.

Key Steps:

  • Configure Custom Events: In GA4, configure custom events and parameters to align with the data sent from GTM. Ensure that the events and parameters match those defined in your GTM tags.
  • Set Up Funnels in GA4: Use GA4’s funnel analysis feature to create a visual representation of your checkout process. This helps identify drop-off points and optimize the funnel.
    • Go to Explore > Funnel Analysis.
    • Create a new funnel exploration and add steps that correspond to your checkout process (e.g., Cart View, Shipping Details, Payment, Purchase).
    • Analyze the funnel to identify areas for improvement.

5. Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging are essential to ensure your GTM implementation works correctly.

Key Steps:

  • Use GTM’s Preview Mode: Test your GTM setup using Preview mode to verify that tags, triggers, and variables are working as expected.
  • Monitor in Real-Time: Use GA4’s real-time reports to monitor data as you test the checkout process. Ensure that events are being tracked accurately.
  • Debugging Tools: Utilize browser developer tools and GTM’s built-in debugging features to troubleshoot any issues.


Implementing Google Tag Manager for checkout funnel tracking provides powerful insights into user behavior and the effectiveness of your ecommerce processes. By following this advanced guide, you can ensure a comprehensive and accurate tracking setup, enabling you to optimize your checkout funnel and drive better business outcomes. With GTM and GA4 working together, you’ll have the tools you need to make data-driven decisions and improve your ecommerce performance.

Leveraging Google Tag Manager to Pass UTM Parameters Across Pages and Populate Hidden Form Fields


Google Tag Manager (GTM) has emerged as a powerful tool that simplifies the process of managing and deploying various tracking codes on a website. One common requirement for marketers is to capture UTM parameters and pass them seamlessly across pages into hidden form fields. This enables a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior and the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Understanding UTM Parameters

UTM parameters, short for Urchin Tracking Module, are tags appended to a URL that help track the source, medium, campaign name, and other information associated with a user’s visit to a website. The standard UTM parameters include:

  1. utm_source: Identifies the source of the traffic (e.g., Google, Facebook, email).
  2. utm_medium: Specifies the marketing medium (e.g., cpc, banner, email).
  3. utm_campaign: Indicates the name of the campaign that led the user to the website.
  4. utm_term: Used for tracking keywords in paid search.
  5. utm_content: Differentiates between similar content, such as different ads within the same campaign.

These parameters are essential for analyzing the performance of marketing campaigns and understanding the user journey.

Setting up Google Tag Manager

Before delving into custom JavaScript, ensure that Google Tag Manager is properly set up on your website. Follow these steps:

Create a Google Tag Manager Account: Go to the Google Tag Manager website, sign in with your Google account, and create a new account for your website.

Create a Container: Within the account, create a container for your website. This container holds all the tags, triggers, and variables.

Install the GTM Code: After creating the container, Google Tag Manager provides a code snippet. Copy and paste this snippet into theof your website.

Set up a Page View Trigger: In the GTM interface, create a trigger that fires on the page view event. This trigger will be used to initiate our custom JavaScript when a page is loaded.

Creating Custom JavaScript to Capture UTM Parameters

Once Google Tag Manager is set up, the next step is to create custom JavaScript code that captures UTM parameters from the URL and stores them in GTM variables. Follow these steps:

  1. Create GTM Variables for UTM Parameters:
  • In the GTM interface, navigate to “Variables” and create a new user-defined variable for each UTM parameter (e.g., utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, etc.).
  • Use the built-in “URL” variable type and specify the appropriate query parameter for each variable (e.g., for utm_source, set the query key to “utm_source”).

2. Create a Custom JavaScript Variable:

  • In GTM, create a new user-defined variable of type “JavaScript Variable.”
  • Write a JavaScript function to extract the UTM parameter values from the URL. For example:

function() {
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
return urlParams.get(‘utm_source’);

Repeat this process for each UTM parameter, modifying the JavaScript function accordingly.

Testing the Variables:

    • Preview your GTM container to test whether the variables are capturing the correct UTM parameter values on different pages.

Passing UTM Parameters to Hidden Form Fields

Now that we have successfully captured UTM parameters using custom JavaScript and GTM variables, the next step is to pass this information into hidden form fields. This ensures that when a user interacts with a form, the associated UTM data is submitted along with their input. Follow these steps:

Create Hidden Form Fields:

  • In your website’s HTML, identify the form where you want to capture UTM data.
  • Add hidden input fields for each UTM parameter:

<input type=”hidden” name=”utm_source” id=”utm_source” value=””>
<input type=”hidden” name=”utm_medium” id=”utm_medium” value=””>
<input type=”hidden” name=”utm_campaign” id=”utm_campaign” value=””>
<!– Add additional hidden fields for other UTM parameters as needed –>

Update the Custom JavaScript Variable:

Modify the custom JavaScript variable created in GTM to set the values of the hidden form fields. For example:

function() {
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
document.getElementById(‘utm_source’).value = urlParams.get(‘utm_source’);
document.getElementById(‘utm_medium’).value = urlParams.get(‘utm_medium’);
document.getElementById(‘utm_campaign’).value = urlParams.get(‘utm_campaign’);
// Set values for other UTM parameters as needed

Testing the Implementation:

  • Preview your GTM container and test the form submission. Verify that the hidden form fields are populated with the correct UTM parameter values.


Incorporating Google Tag Manager and custom JavaScript to capture and pass UTM parameters into hidden form fields enhances the depth of data collected from user interactions on your website. This approach provides marketers with valuable insights into the effectiveness of various marketing channels and campaigns. By implementing these steps, you empower your analytics efforts, enabling data-driven decisions that can significantly impact the success of your online initiatives. Stay proactive in adapting and optimizing your tracking strategies to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

Tracking Outbound Clicks as anf Event in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)


In the ever-evolving world of digital analytics, understanding user behavior on your website is crucial for optimizing the user experience and measuring the effectiveness of your content and marketing strategies. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has introduced a new approach to tracking, which includes monitoring outbound clicks as events.

Understanding Outbound Clicks

Outbound clicks are instances where a user clicks a link on your site that leads to a different domain. Tracking these clicks is vital for several reasons:

  1. Understanding User Engagement: Knowing which external links are most clicked can give insights into user interests and preferences.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: If your site includes affiliate links, tracking outbound clicks is essential for monitoring the effectiveness of these partnerships.
  3. Content Strategy: Identifying which outbound resources are valuable to your users can inform your content strategy.
  4. Partnership and Collaboration Opportunities: Understanding which external sites your audience engages with can open opportunities for future collaborations.

Transition to Google Analytics 4

GA4, the latest iteration of Google’s analytics service, differs significantly from its predecessor, Universal Analytics (UA). It’s designed for a privacy-first world, cross-platform measurement, and AI-driven predictive analytics. Unlike UA, GA4 uses an event-driven data model, which makes tracking outbound clicks more flexible and insightful.

Step-by-Step Guide to Tracking Outbound Clicks in GA4

Step 1: Understanding GA4 Events

GA4 categorizes data collection into events. Events in GA4 are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently. Unlike UA, GA4 does not have a predefined set of event types, allowing for more flexibility.

Step 2: Setting Up GA4

If you haven’t already, set up a GA4 property by following Google’s setup wizard. Once your GA4 property is ready, ensure that it’s properly implemented on your website.

Step 3: Identify Outbound Links

Before setting up event tracking, identify the outbound links you want to track. These could be links to partner sites, social media profiles, affiliate links, etc.

Step 4: Implementing Event Tracking for Outbound Clicks

There are several ways to implement outbound click tracking in GA4:

Option A: Using Google Tag Manager (GTM)

  1. Create a New Tag: In GTM, create a new GA4 Event tag.
  2. Configure Trigger: Set up a trigger for ‘Click – All Elements’ and then refine it to fire only for outbound link clicks. This can be done using built-in variables like ‘Click URL’.
  3. Set Up Tag Parameters: Define the event name (e.g., ‘outbound_click’) and parameters like ‘click_url’.
  4. Test and Publish: Use GTM’s preview mode to test the setup and then publish the changes.

Option B: Directly Through GA4 (for simple tracking)

  1. Use Enhanced Measurement: In GA4, navigate to the ‘Data Stream’ section and enable Enhanced Measurement.
  2. Configure Outbound Clicks: Enhanced Measurement in GA4 automatically tracks some events, including outbound clicks. However, this method is less customizable.

Option C: Custom JavaScript

  1. Add JavaScript Code: Write a script that listens for click events on outbound links and sends the event data to GA4. This method requires more technical expertise but offers maximum flexibility.
  2. Event Parameters: Define the event name (e.g., ‘outbound_click’) and relevant parameters such as ‘link_url’ and ‘link_text’.
  3. Insert Script on Your Website: Place the script in your website’s HTML or through a tag management system like GTM.

Step 5: Verifying Event Tracking

After implementing the tracking, it’s crucial to verify that events are being captured correctly.

  1. Real-Time Reports: Use GA4’s real-time reporting feature to monitor activity as it happens.
  2. DebugView in GA4: If you’re using GTM, DebugView is a powerful tool to test and validate your event tracking setup.
  3. Browser Console: For custom JavaScript implementations, use the browser’s developer console to ensure the script is firing correctly.

Step 6: Analyzing the Data

Once data starts flowing into your GA4 property, you can begin analyzing the outbound click events.

  1. Event Reports: Navigate to the ‘Events’ section in GA4 to view the outbound click events.
  2. Audience Segmentation: Use the event data to segment your audience based on their interaction with outbound links.
  3. Cross-Platform Analysis: If you’re tracking across multiple platforms, analyze how users interact with outbound links across different devices.


Tracking outbound clicks as an event in GA4 provides valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up effective tracking for outbound clicks, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of your audience and make data-driven decisions for your website’s strategy.

Remember, the key to successful analytics is not just in the collection of data but in its analysis and application. Use the insights gained from outbound click tracking to refine your user experience, content strategy, and overall digital marketing efforts.

Top 10 Must-Have Points in Your Google Analytics 4 Checklist for WooCommerce Mastery


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, staying ahead of the curve means constantly evolving and adapting your strategies. For WooCommerce store owners, one of the most critical tools in this evolutionary process is Google Analytics 4 (GA4). GA4, with its advanced tracking and analytical capabilities, offers insights that can significantly enhance your understanding of customer behavior and drive informed decision-making.

Implement Google Analytics 4 (GA4) WooCommerce eCommerce Tracking without Plugin using Google Tag Manager

Google Analytics 4 Enhanced Ecommerce for WooCommerce using Google Tag Manager

1. Understanding GA4’s User-Centric Approach

GA4 marks a paradigm shift from session-based tracking (as seen in Universal Analytics) to a user-centric model. This approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of user interactions over time. WooCommerce store owners should familiarize themselves with this model to better interpret the data GA4 provides. This understanding is crucial for tailoring user experiences and improving customer journeys.

2. Setting Up Enhanced E-commerce Tracking

One of the first steps in your GA4 checklist should be setting up Enhanced E-commerce Tracking for your WooCommerce store. This feature allows you to track user interactions with your products, such as views, adds to cart, and purchases. Enhanced tracking provides deeper insights into shopping behavior, helping you optimize your product pages and checkout process.

3. Configuring Conversion Tracking

In e-commerce, understanding what drives conversions is key. GA4 allows you to set up and track various conversion events, which can range from completed purchases to newsletter sign-ups. Ensure that all relevant conversion events for your WooCommerce store are accurately tracked in GA4 to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and product offerings.

4. Utilizing Advanced Segmentation

GA4’s advanced segmentation capabilities let you dissect your audience into specific groups based on their behavior, demographics, and other criteria. By applying these segments, WooCommerce store owners can uncover patterns and preferences among different customer groups, enabling more targeted marketing strategies.

5. Embracing Event Tracking

Event tracking in GA4 is more flexible and comprehensive than in previous versions. Customize your event tracking setup to monitor specific interactions on your WooCommerce site, like video views, PDF downloads, or usage of a particular feature. This data helps in understanding what engages your users the most.

6. Exploring User Acquisition Reports

Understanding where your users are coming from is crucial for optimizing marketing strategies. GA4’s user acquisition reports provide detailed insights into the channels driving traffic to your WooCommerce store, be it organic search, social media, or paid ads. Use this data to refine your marketing mix and allocate your budget more effectively.

7. Delving into User Engagement Metrics

GA4 places a strong emphasis on user engagement, offering metrics like engagement rate, engagement time, and event count. For WooCommerce sites, these metrics can reveal how users interact with your content and products. Analyze these metrics to identify areas for improvement in user experience and content strategy.

8. Implementing Cross-Device and Cross-Platform Tracking

With GA4’s cross-device and cross-platform capabilities, you can track a user’s journey across different devices and platforms. This holistic view is invaluable for WooCommerce sites in understanding the multi-device behavior of consumers, especially in an era where shopping often involves multiple digital touchpoints.

9. Leveraging Predictive Analytics

GA4 introduces predictive metrics, such as purchase probability and churn probability. These AI-driven insights can be game-changers for WooCommerce stores. By identifying users who are likely to make a purchase or leave, you can tailor your marketing efforts to target these segments more effectively.

10. Regularly Reviewing and Acting on Data

Finally, the most critical point in your GA4 checklist is the consistent review and application of the insights gained. Regularly analyzing your GA4 data helps in identifying trends, understanding market shifts, and making informed decisions. Actionable insights derived from GA4 should continually inform your WooCommerce strategy.


Mastering Google Analytics 4 is a journey of continuous learning and adaptation. By following these top 10 checklist points, WooCommerce store owners can harness the full potential of GA4, leading to more informed decisions, enhanced customer experiences, and ultimately, increased sales. Remember, the key to success in e-commerce is not just in gathering data, but in effectively interpreting and acting upon it.

Unlocking Shopify Success: The Ultimate Google Analytics 4 Checklist


In the world of e-commerce, Shopify has emerged as a powerful platform for businesses to sell their products online. To drive success and growth, it is crucial for Shopify store owners to understand their customers’ behavior and optimize their marketing strategies accordingly. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) provides a comprehensive and advanced analytics solution to unlock valuable insights and boost the performance of your Shopify store.

Setting up GA4 for Your Shopify Store

  • Creating a GA4 Property: We delve into the process of setting up a GA4 property for your Shopify store and explain the steps to integrate it successfully.
  • Installing the GA4 Tracking Code: Learn how to add the GA4 tracking code to your Shopify store’s theme to start collecting data accurately.
  • Enabling Enhanced E-commerce Tracking: Discover how to enable enhanced e-commerce tracking in GA4 to gain deeper insights into your customers’ purchase behaviors.

Essential Configuration in GA4

  • Defining Goals: We discuss the importance of setting up goals in GA4 and guide you through the process of configuring various goal types for your Shopify store.
  • Customizing Events and Conversions: Explore how to track custom events and conversions specific to your Shopify store’s needs, allowing you to monitor key actions and performance indicators.
  • Configuring User Properties and Audiences: Learn how to leverage user properties and audiences in GA4 to create personalized experiences, tailor your marketing efforts, and segment your customer base effectively.

Utilizing Advanced Features of GA4

  • Understanding Funnels: We explain how to create and analyze funnels in GA4, enabling you to identify bottlenecks in your customers’ journey and optimize conversions.
  • Exploring Cohort Analysis: Discover how cohort analysis in GA4 can help you gain insights into customer retention, engagement, and long-term value, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.
  • Leveraging AI-Powered Insights: Learn about GA4’s AI-powered insights feature, which provides automated analysis and recommendations to help you identify valuable opportunities and trends.
  • Utilizing BigQuery Integration: Explore the integration of GA4 with BigQuery, Google’s enterprise data warehouse, and discover how it can enhance your data analysis capabilities and enable more sophisticated reporting.

Analyzing Shopify Performance in GA4

  • Monitoring E-commerce Performance: We discuss the key e-commerce reports in GA4 and how to leverage them to gain valuable insights into your Shopify store’s performance, including revenue, conversion rates, and product performance.
  • Analyzing Marketing Campaigns: Learn how to track and analyze the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns in GA4, including measuring attribution, monitoring campaign performance, and optimizing your advertising spend.
  • Assessing User Behavior: Explore user behavior reports in GA4, such as session engagement, user engagement, and site search analysis, to understand how visitors interact with your Shopify store and make informed UX/UI optimizations.


By implementing the ultimate GA4 checklist outlined in this article, Shopify store owners can unlock a wealth of valuable insights, optimize their marketing strategies, and drive success in the highly competitive e-commerce landscape. From setting up GA4 and configuring essential elements to utilizing advanced features and analyzing performance, this comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to make data-driven decisions that will propel your Shopify store to new heights. Embrace the power of GA4 and take your Shopify success to the next level.

Google Analytics 4 Migration


Google Analytics is a free web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It is one of the most popular web analytics tools available and is used by millions of website owners and marketers to track website performance, user behavior, and engagement. Google recently introduced a new version of Google Analytics, called Google Analytics 4 (GA4), which is a major upgrade to the existing version of Google Analytics, Universal Analytics (UA). In this article, we will explain what GA4 is, why you should consider migrating to it, and how to migrate from UA to GA4.

What is Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

Google Analytics 4 is a new version of Google Analytics that offers several improvements over the previous version, Universal Analytics. GA4 has been designed to help businesses gain a better understanding of their customers’ behavior across multiple devices and platforms, including mobile apps and websites. It also offers more advanced features for tracking user behavior, such as enhanced tracking of user engagement and conversions, advanced machine learning capabilities, and a more user-friendly interface.

One of the most significant changes with GA4 is the way it handles data collection. Unlike UA, which relied on cookies and unique identifiers to track user behavior, GA4 uses a new data model that is based on events. An event is a specific user action, such as clicking on a button, watching a video, or making a purchase. With GA4, events are the primary way of tracking user behavior, and they can be customized to track specific actions and events that are relevant to your business.

Why Should You Consider Migrating to GA4?

There are several reasons why you should consider migrating to GA4, including:

Improved Tracking Across Multiple Devices and Platforms

GA4 has been designed to provide a more complete view of your customer’s behavior across multiple devices and platforms. With GA4, you can track user behavior across mobile apps, websites, and other digital platforms, giving you a more accurate picture of how users are interacting with your business.

Advanced Machine Learning Capabilities

GA4 includes advanced machine learning capabilities that can help you better understand user behavior and make more informed decisions about your marketing strategy. For example, GA4 can automatically identify user segments based on their behavior, such as users who are likely to make a purchase or users who are at risk of churning.

More User-Friendly Interface

GA4 has a more user-friendly interface than UA, making it easier for businesses to set up and manage their analytics tracking. The new interface also provides more intuitive data visualizations, making it easier to understand and interpret your data.

More Advanced Features for Tracking User Behavior

GA4 includes several new features for tracking user behavior, including enhanced tracking of user engagement and conversions. For example, GA4 can track user engagement with videos, such as how long a user watched a video, and whether they skipped or rewound parts of the video. GA4 can also track conversions across multiple devices and platforms, providing a more complete picture of how users are converting on your site.

How to Migrate from UA to GA4

If you have been using Universal Analytics and want to migrate to GA4, there are several steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Create a GA4 Property

The first step in migrating to GA4 is to create a new GA4 property in your Google Analytics account. To do this, log in to your Google Analytics account and click on the Admin button. From there, click on the Create Property button, and then select the GA4 option. Follow the prompts to set up your new GA4 property.

Step 2: Install the GA4 Tracking Code

Once you have created your GA4 property, you need to install the GA4 tracking code on your website or mobile app

Warning: If you don’t know about javascript or don’t have developing knowledge then don’t try to Google Analytics 4 Migration that can break your site, Cart and other functionality 

Disclaimer: Google tag manager belongs to Google property 

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GA4 Custom Event Tracking using Google Tag Manager


Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics that provides enhanced tracking and analysis capabilities. GA4 Custom Event Tracking is a powerful tool within GA4 that allows website owners to track specific events on their website that are not tracked by default.

What is GA4 Custom Event Tracking?

GA4 Custom Event Tracking is a feature within Google Analytics 4 that allows website owners to track specific events on their website. These events can be anything from a button click to a form submission or any other custom interaction that occurs on your website. By tracking these events, you can gain valuable insights into how users are interacting with your website and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s user experience.

Why is GA4 Custom Event Tracking important?

GA4 Custom Event Tracking is important because it allows you to track specific interactions on your website that are not tracked by default. This means that you can gain a more complete picture of how users are interacting with your website and identify areas for improvement. For example, if you have a contact form on your website, you may want to track how many users are submitting the form and which fields they are filling out. By tracking these events, you can identify any issues with the form that may be causing users to abandon it and make changes to improve the form’s user experience.

How does GA4 Custom Event Tracking work?

GA4 Custom Event Tracking works by using code snippets to send event data to Google Analytics. To set up custom event tracking in GA4, you will need to add code snippets to your website that send event data to GA4 when a specific interaction occurs. There are two main types of code snippets that you can use for custom event tracking in GA4: Global Site Tag (gtag.js) and Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Why Use Custom Event Tracking?

Custom event tracking provides valuable insights into user behavior that are not available through standard GA4 tracking. By tracking specific actions on your website or mobile app, you can:

Measure conversion rates: Custom event tracking allows you to track specific actions that lead to conversions on your website or mobile app. For example, if you want to track how many users completed a purchase, you can set up a custom event to track the “checkout complete” action.

Analyze user behavior: Custom event tracking allows you to understand how users interact with your website or mobile app. For example, if you want to track how many users clicked on a particular button, you can set up a custom event to track the “button click” action.

Optimize user experience: Custom event tracking allows you to identify areas of your website or mobile app that need improvement. For example, if you find that many users are abandoning their shopping carts, you can set up a custom event to track the “cart abandonment” action and optimize the checkout process.

How to Set Up Custom Event Tracking in GA4

Setting up custom event tracking in GA4 involves three main steps:

Define the event: The first step is to define the event you want to track. An event consists of four main components:
Event name: A descriptive name that identifies the event you want to track. For example, “button click” or “download file.”
Event parameters: Additional information about the event, such as the value of a button clicked or the name of a file downloaded.

Best Practices for Custom Event Tracking

To get the most out of custom event tracking in GA4, there are some best practices you should follow:

Define clear event parameters: Make sure you define clear and consistent event parameters across your website. This will make it easier to analyze the data and identify trends.

Don’t track too many events: While it’s tempting to track every user interaction on your website, this can lead to an overwhelming amount of data. Instead, focus on tracking the events that are most important for achieving your business goals.

Warning: If you don’t know about javascript or don’t have developing knowledge then don’t try to GA4 Custom Event Tracking using Google Tag Manager that can break your site, Cart and other functionality 

Disclaimer: Google tag manager belongs to Google property 

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Migrating from Universal Analytics (GA) to GA4


Migrating from Universal Analytics (GA) to GA4 involves transitioning from the older, more established web analytics platform to the new and improved version. This process can be a bit complicated, but it’s worth it if you want to stay up-to-date with the latest features and functionality.

To start with the process, you will need to create a new GA4 property. This can be done through the Google Analytics interface by selecting the “Create Property” button and following the prompts. The new property will be separate from your existing Universal Analytics property, and you can have both properties running simultaneously during the migration process.

Once you have set up the new property, you’ll need to install the GA4 tracking code on your website or app. This is done by replacing the old Universal Analytics tracking code with the new GA4 tracking snippet. This code should be placed on every page of your website, and you should test to ensure that it’s working properly.

One of the significant differences between GA4 and Universal Analytics is the way event tracking is handled. In GA4, events are collected using an event-driven data model. This means that events are sent to Google Analytics when they occur, rather than when a page is loaded. As such, you’ll need to update any event tracking you have set up to match the new model. This may require more extensive changes to your tracking setup than a simple upgrade, and you should carefully evaluate your needs and goals before deciding to make the switch.

If you want to compare GA4 data to your existing Universal Analytics data, you can set up data imports to bring your historical data into GA4. This will allow you to see how your website or app has performed in the past and compare it to how it’s performing under the new tracking model.

It’s important to note that GA4 is not a direct replacement for Universal Analytics, and some features and reports may not be available in GA4. Additionally, because GA4 is a newer platform, some of the reports and features are still in beta and may change over time. However, GA4 does offer many new and improved features, including more advanced machine learning capabilities and cross-device tracking, which can help you better understand your audience and improve your marketing efforts.

Finally, once you have migrated to GA4, you will need to create new reports in the GA4 interface to view and analyze your data. The new interface may take some getting used to, but it offers many powerful tools for understanding your website or app’s performance.

Some of the new reports available in GA4 include:

User acquisition: This report shows how users are finding your website or app, including which channels are driving the most traffic and which campaigns are the most effective.

User engagement: This report provides insights into how users are interacting with your website or app, including which pages are the most popular and which actions users are taking.

Retention: This report shows how many users are returning to your website or app over time, and how often they are returning.

Monetization: This report provides insights into how your website or app is generating revenue, including which products or services are the most popular and which users are the most valuable.

In conclusion, migrating from Universal Analytics to GA4 requires some effort, but it’s worth it to take advantage of the new features and capabilities. By following the steps outlined above, you can make the transition smoothly and start benefiting from the new insights and data that GA4 provides.

Warning: If you don’t know about javascript or don’t have developing knowledge then don’t try to Migrating from Universal Analytics (GA) to GA4  that can break your site, Cart and other functionality 

Disclaimer: Google tag manager belongs to Google property 

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Pestashop Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tags


Prestashop is an open-source e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage an online store. It is a popular platform that is used by many businesses to sell their products online. Google Ads is an advertising platform that allows businesses to create and display ads on Google’s search engine and partner sites. Dynamic remarketing is a feature in Google Ads that allows businesses to show personalized ads to people who have previously visited their website or app.

Prestashop Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tags are a set of code snippets that need to be added to the Prestashop store’s pages in order to enable dynamic remarketing with Google Ads. These tags allow Google Ads to collect data about the products that people are viewing on the Prestashop store and use this data to show personalized ads to them on the Google Display Network.

The process of setting up Prestashop Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tags involves a few steps. First, the business needs to have a Google Ads account set up and linked to their Prestashop store. They also need to have enabled the Google Ads dynamic remarketing feature. Once these prerequisites are met, they can proceed with the following steps.

Install the Google Ads remarketing tag: The first step is to install the Google Ads remarketing tag on the Prestashop store. This involves copying the code provided by Google Ads and pasting it into the Prestashop store’s header section. The remarketing tag is a piece of JavaScript code that allows Google Ads to track the people who visit the store.

Add the product ID to the tag: The next step is to modify the Google Ads remarketing tag to include the product ID of the products that people view on the store. This is important because it allows Google Ads to collect data about the products that people are interested in and use this data to show personalized ads to them.

Add the product details to the tag: In addition to the product ID, businesses can also add other product details such as the product name, category, and price to the Google Ads remarketing tag. This information is useful for creating more personalized ads.

Configure the Google Ads campaign: Once the Google Ads remarketing tag is set up on the Prestashop store, the business needs to configure the Google Ads campaign. This involves setting up the targeting options, ad format, and ad content. The ads can be customized to show the products that people have viewed on the Prestashop store, as well as other related products.

By using dynamic remarketing with Google Ads, businesses can show highly relevant ads to people who have already shown an interest in their products. This can help increase conversions and drive more sales for the business. The personalized nature of the ads can also help build brand loyalty and keep people coming back to the store.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, Prestashop Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tags offer several other advantages. For example:

Easy to set up: Setting up the Google Ads remarketing tag on a Prestashop store is relatively easy and can be done by anyone with basic technical knowledge.

Cost-effective: Dynamic remarketing with Google Ads can be a cost-effective way to drive more sales for the business. Since the ads are only shown to people who have already shown an interest in the products, the likelihood of conversion is higher.

Customizable: The ads can be customized to show the products that people have viewed on the Prestashop store, as well as other related products. This allows businesses to tailor the ads to the interests of the people who are most likely to convert.

In conclusion, Prestashop Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tags are an important tool for businesses that want to increase sales and build brand loyalty. By using dynamic remarketing with Google Ads, businesses

The Prestashop Dynamic Remarketing Tag view_item_list is a code snippet that can be added to a Prestashop store to track when a user views a list of products on a page. This tag is used in dynamic remarketing campaigns to collect data about the products that users have viewed and use this data to show personalized ads to them on the Google Display Network.

Dynamic Remarketing Google Ads

Google Dynamic Remarketing for PrestaShop using Google Tag Manager

The Prestashop Dynamic Remarketing Tag view_item is a code snippet that can be added to a Prestashop store to track when a user views a specific product on a page. 

Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag for Prestashop

Prestashop Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tag Implementation using Google Tag Manager

The Prestashop Dynamic Remarketing Tag add_to_cart is a code snippet that can be added to a Prestashop store to track when a user adds a product to their cart.

PrestaShop Dynamic Remarketing Google Ads

Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag for PrestaShop using Google Tag Manager

The Prestashop Dynamic Remarketing Tag purchase is a code snippet that can be added to a Prestashop store to track when a user makes a purchase.

Warning: If you don’t know about javascript or don’t have developing knowledge then don’t try to Pestashop Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing Tags using Google Tag Manager that can break your site, Cart and other functionality 

Disclaimer: Google tag manager belongs to Google property 

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Displaying GA4 event parameters (Event Value) in Google Data Studio


Displaying GA4 event parameters in Google Data Studio involves adding event parameters as dimensions and metrics in a report. GA4 event parameters are custom data that you can send along with events to track additional information about user behavior on your website or app. For example, you can use event parameters to track the product category or SKU that a user viewed or purchased, the video ID that a user watched, or the button label that a user clicked.

By displaying GA4 event parameters in Google Data Studio, you can gain insights into how users are interacting with your website or app and use this information to optimize your marketing and user experience strategies. In addition, you can combine event parameters with other GA4 dimensions and metrics to create custom reports that meet your specific business needs.

To display GA4 event parameters in Google Data Studio, you need to connect your GA4 property to Data Studio and select the event and event parameters you want to display. You can then add the event parameters as dimensions and metrics in your report to analyze and visualize the data.

To display GA4 event parameters in Google Data Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your GA4 property to Google Data Studio.
    2. Create a new report in Google Data Studio or open an existing one.
    3. Add a new data source by clicking on the “Create New Data Source” button.
    4. In the “Connector” section, select “Google Analytics 4”.
    5. Choose the GA4 property that contains the event parameters you want to display.
    6. Select the event you want to display parameters for.
    7. In the “Dimensions” section, click on “Add a Dimension”.
    8. Select “Event Parameter Name” and “Event Parameter Value” from the dropdown menus.
    9. In the “Metrics” section, click on “Add a Metric”.
    10. Select the metric that corresponds to the event parameter you want to display (e.g. “Event Count” for the number of times the event was triggered).
    11. Save your data source and use the dimensions and metrics you selected to create your report.

You can repeat steps 7-10 for each event parameter you want to display in your report.


Display GA4 event parameter in google data studio

Display GA4 event value show in google data studio with GA4 Event parameter

Warning: If you do n’t know about javascript or do n’t have developing knowledge then do n’t try to Displaying GA4 event parameters (Event Value) in Google Data Studio that can broke your site, Cart and other functionality 

Disclaimer: Google tag manager belongs to Google property 

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