Drupal GA4 eCommerce Tracking using Google Tag Manager


Drupal is a powerful content management system (CMS) that allows website owners to create and manage their online presence with ease. One important aspect of any website is the ability to track user behavior and gather insights about how visitors interact with the site. This is where Google Analytics comes in, and specifically, GA4 eCommerce tracking. In this article, we will discuss how to set up GA4 eCommerce tracking on a Drupal site in detail.

Step 1: Create a Google Analytics 4 property and obtain your Measurement ID

The first step in setting up GA4 eCommerce tracking is to create a Google Analytics 4 property and obtain your Measurement ID. To do this, go to the Google Analytics website and create a new account if you don’t already have one. Then, navigate to the Admin section and create a new property for your Drupal site. Once you’ve created the property, you’ll be given a Measurement ID, which you’ll need later on.

Step 2: Install the Google Tag Manager (GTM) module on your Drupal site

Next, you’ll need to install the Google Tag Manager (GTM) module on your Drupal site. This module makes it easy to manage your Google Analytics tracking tags and other marketing tags on your site. To install the module, go to the Drupal website and download the GTM module. Then, install and enable the module on your site.

Step 3: Configure the GTM module and add your Measurement ID to it

Once you’ve installed the GTM module, you’ll need to configure it and add your Measurement ID to it. To do this, go to the GTM module configuration page in Drupal and enter your Measurement ID. This will connect your Drupal site to your GA4 property.

Step 4: Create a new GTM container and add the GA4 tracking tag to it

The next step is to create a new GTM container and add the GA4 tracking tag to it. A container is a collection of tags, triggers, and variables that work together to track user behavior on your site. To create a new container, go to the Google Tag Manager website and click on the “Create Account” button. Then, select “Web” as your container type and follow the prompts to set up your container. Once your container is set up, add the GA4 tracking tag to it.

Step 5: Configure the GA4 tracking tag to fire on the pages where you want to track eCommerce transactions

After you’ve added the GA4 tracking tag to your container, you’ll need to configure it to fire on the pages where you want to track eCommerce transactions. To do this, go to the “Tags” section of your container and select the GA4 tracking tag. Then, configure the tag to fire on the relevant pages of your Drupal site.

Step 6: Set up the required eCommerce data layer variables

To capture information about eCommerce transactions on your Drupal site, you’ll need to set up the required eCommerce data layer variables. A data layer is a JavaScript object that contains information about the user’s interaction with your site. To set up the eCommerce data layer variables, you’ll need to add JavaScript code to your site’s header or footer. This code should define the variables that you want to track, such as product ID, name, price, and quantity.

Step 7: Add the eCommerce data layer

Finally, you’ll need to add the eCommerce data layer to your GTM container. To do this, go to the “Variables” section of your container and create a new variable for each eCommerce data layer variable that you want to track. Then, configure these variables to capture the data from your Drupal site’s data layer.


In conclusion, setting up GA4 eCommerce tracking on your Drupal site requires a bit of technical knowledge,

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